MULEIDE, Mozambique

“The IMPAACT4TB project brings a new approach for us and our target group, women and girls.”
MULEIDE, Mozambique

Why is TB preventive therapy (TPT) important in your community?
TB preventive therapy (TPT) contributes to the prevention of TB infection for children under five years old, who are a vulnerable group due to their biological specificities. TPT also reduces the risk of co-infection (HIV-TB) in people living with HIV.

Can you describe the major goals of your IMPAACT4TB advocacy project? How will your work advance access to TB preventative therapy in your country?
Our major goal is to work with members of the Parliamentary and the network of women and girls living with HIV to encourage the finalization of the TPT Guidelines by July 2021.

What gaps do you think are important to address?
TPT coverage is very low because it’s limited to people living with HIV, pregnant women, and HIV-positive and negative children under five years old. It doesn’t cover HIV-negative people who had contact with people experiencing cases of active TB.

What does it mean for you to be an IMPAACT4TB grantee?
It’s an opportunity for MULEIDE as an organization. The IMPAACT4TB project brings a new approach for us and our target group, women and girls. They will have the opportunity to participate in advocacy and lobbying actions.

