The theme for World TB Day 2021 is “The Clock Is Ticking: let’s Find and Prevent TB Now”. This tagline is meant to serve as a call to the global community to accelerate efforts to end TB by 2030.


The IMPAACT4TB project is currently rolling out short-course TB preventive therapy, specifically 3HP, for those most at risk of contracting TB, including people living with HIV and children under five and adolescents in 12 high-burden countries that represent 50 per cent of the global TB/HIV  burden. Subsequently, the project will target all the household contacts with TB patients- as part of the family approach – across those 12 countries.

TB prevention is particularly important during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Shocking data from STOP TB Partnership shows that 12 Months of COVID-19 Eliminated 12 Years of Progress in the Global Fight Against Tuberculosis. Therefore, we need to scale up TB prevention efforts to reverse the tide. This includes the potentially catastrophic impacts of mild and severe  COVID-19. Household contacts of known TB cases remain at risk of getting TB and COVID-19 can also benefit from TPT.

TB communities need to act urgently to strengthen our TB responses and ensure improved quality of TB service provision, ensuring that countries maximize the health and safety of the most vulnerable persons at risk of or suffering from  TB; this includes healthcare workers especially during this pandemic. Advocacy is critical to ensure TB remains a national priority.


This toolkit contains materials and resources that can be used around World TB day and beyond highlighting the need for TB preventive therapies. To get involved you can:

  1. Share our sample social media messages or write your own
  2. Share tools developed by the IMPAACT4TB consortium to assist healthcare workers and programs in decision making to:
    1. Start TPT in the setting of COVID-19. Tools are available on our website here.
    2. Assist implementation of 3HP in project countries. Tools are available here.

#TPTTargets2020   #TheClockIsTicking   #EndTB   #TBTargets2022    #preventTB    #Preventionispowerful    #needforspeed    #NoMoreTBDeaths    

  • #Tuberculosis remains one of the world’s deadliest infectious disease killers. Each day, nearly 4000 die from TB. By preventing TB we can #EndTB. #WorldTBDay #TheClockIsTicking #TBTargets2022 #PreventTB
  • The #Impaact4TB  consortium is facilitating the rollout of a short course preventive treatment, 3HP in 12 high burden countries to help reach the #TBTargets2022. Find out more here
  • 12 Months of COVID-19 has eliminated 12 years of progress in the global fight against #Tuberculosis
  • The #COVID19 pandemic is threatening hard-won gains in the fight to #EndTB. The world has to double its effort to get back on track in order to attain the global #TBTargets We must prevent TB, and reduce the need for treatment!re, treatment & prevention because #TheClockIsTicking #preventTB
  • By preventing TB, we can 🛡️ protect those at high risk from potentially suffering more severe #COVID19. Find out more:
  • A drastic scale-up of TB preventive treatment is urgently needed to protect vulnerable populations, families and communities from the devastating effects of TB. #WorldTBDay #TheClockIsTicking #EndTB #TBTargets2022 #preventTB #TPTTargets2020
  • #DIY that a quarter of the 🌍’s population is infected with TB? The good news is that we can prevent TB, a disease that still kills around 1.5 million people every year. Find out more, and share [link to video] #TheClockIsTicking #EndTB #TBTargets2022
  • TB can be found in every corner of the world. It is preventable and treatable. Find out more about what we can do to #PreventTB today because #TheClockIsTicking For more here
  • #TB is one of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases and accounts for 1.5 million preventable deaths every year. The Impaact4TB consortium is rolling out short course preventive treatment, 3HP, in 12 high burden countries to help in a global effort to reach #TBtargets2022 to #PreventTB to #EndTB. See more here
  • High burden countries need to take immediate measures to continue TB treatment and prevention services to minimize the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on TB and get back on track to achieve the UNGA targets to #EndTB #PreventionIsPowerful
  • Data from South Africa show a 2 – 2.5 times higher risk of COVID-19 death associated with HIV and TB. People with prior TB are also more at risk. By preventing TB, we can protect those at the highest risk. #TheClockIsTicking #EndTB #TBTargets2022 #PreventTB
  • #TB is the main cause of morbidity, mortality, and suffering among persons with #HIV infection and their families. By #PreventingTB we can protect all communities. #PreventionIsPowerful
  • While significant gains have been made in the fight to end TB, COVID-19 threatens to reverse years of this progress. The pandemic and associated measures to control it have severely disrupted TB diagnosis and care services in the world’s highest TB burden countries, resulting in an alarming drop in reported TB cases. To add to this, those who suffer from airborne respiratory infections, such as TB, are more likely to have severe cases of or die from COVID-19. Tools are available on our website #WorldTBDay #TheClockIsTicking

Follow the consortium on Instagram: @IMPAACT4TB


Share this message with your contacts on WhatsApp to help spread the word about #IMPAACT4TB.

  • About a quarter of the world’s population is infected with Tuberculosis and at risk of developing TB disease. High burden countries need to take immediate measures to continue TB treatment and prevention services to minimize the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on TB and get back on track to achieve global targets to end TB by 2030. [link to video]

We have videos available to use and share from our website:

  • We’ve created a series of graphics about TPT, which you are welcome to use. The graphics are available here.
  • TPT and COVID graphics are available to use on our Instagram page mentioned above.
  • Treatment Action Group(TAG) has developed a series of graphics available to share here.

Facebook: @theauruminstitute @clintonhealthaccessinitiative @kncvtuberculosisfoundation @treatmentactiongroup
Twitter: @auruminstitute @clintonhealth @kncvtbc @TAGteam_tweets @johnshopkins
Instagram: @auruminstitute @kncv_tuberculosefonds @treatmentactiongroup


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